Ce mois-ci, le thème du blogtrain est la vascularite.
Vous pouvez trouver des infos de base sur cette maladie ici : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vascularite
This month, the blogtrain is for vasculitis.
You can find infos on this disease here : http://www.hopkinsvasculitis.org/vascu…/symptoms-vasculitis/

Voici la liste des designeuses
Here's the list of designers
Et voici ma partie / And here's my part :
Merci beaucoup Marie-Christine
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much!! It is wonderful of all the designers on this train to highlight so many diseases that get very little press, or promotion .. they struggle so much to get donations/funding! Hugs!
RépondreSupprimerThanks so much!!
RépondreSupprimerI love the look of the papers & that little bird is so cute! Thanks for sharing!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so very much I love the little owl !!!
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful kit!!! Love the flowers, frame, journal, and keys!!! They are beautiful!!! The splat is gorgeous!! The papers are gorgeous!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!